
Research for this parenting course began with an investigation about attachment and infant crying. I was surprised at the lack of agreement about colic (excessive crying without any known cause) and typical infant crying. There was a lot of literature about crying that was associated with attachment theory (and what affects infant to parent attachment).

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When children learn to walk, their newfound mobility gives great opportunities to explore the world around them. This also creates almost limitless opportunities for kids to wreak havoc on their parents. Toddlers learn that first word with power – “NO!” They all learn it.

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By age four, your child's language will be very functional. You will be able to teach your child how to do things, like chores, and how you expect your child to behave.

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The Tween years are approximately ages of 10 to 12. If you feel, "My child is 10, but she already acts like a teenager." You have a tween.

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The teenage years have been referred to as the "age of raging hormonal imbalance." This is not an easy time for parents, but it is probably even harder for your teenager. During this time, some teens will exert their independence.

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In most states, becoming an adult happens legally at age 18. But actually maturing into adulthood is something that continues to about age 26. Transitioning from a high school student into a mature, self-reliant adult can be problematic.

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